Quarter 3, Week 6 - Literary Devices


In week 6, we discuss Literary Devices. Literary devices are tools used by writers to hint at larger themes, meaning, and ideas in a story or piece of writing. It used to add a special effect to their writing in order to convey information or to help readers to understand  their writing on a deeper level. Our teacher taught us about the various types of literary devices. Simile and metaphor are two examples. It is the most use or common literary devices. Foreshadowing is the organization and presentation of events and scenes in a work of fiction or drama so that the reader or observer is prepared to some extent for what happens later in the work. Third, Flashback provides information about previous moment, experience, or memory. Fourth, Symbolism employs object or things that can represent a word or an idea. Fifth, Rhyming is the repetition of syllables, which is usually done at the end of a verse line. The sixth is an Oxymoron, which is a word or group of words that contradict itself. The seventh is Repetition, which involves using the same word or phrase repeatedly, and the final is Rhetorical Question, which is a question that is not asked to elicit an answer from the audience, reader or viewer. We answer the the activities below the module and our lesson is not that hard for me.



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